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February 21, 2023

Tinybird: Build fast APIs faster over data at scale

You can no longer afford to move slowly with data. Speed, performance, and scale are table stakes. Developer experience matters. And those who can ship fast applications - faster -will win.

Tinybird is realtime analytics

$ tb connection create kafka --bootstrap-server pkc-europe-west2.gcp.confluent.cloud:9092 --username CK2H --password O7DaVz93NbuNlRYT
** Connection 992207d5-430d created successfully!
$ tb datasource connect 992207d5-430d kafka_events --topic a --group b --auto-offset-reset latest
** Datasource 'kafka_events' created
** Kafka streaming connection configured successfully!
Icon Apache Kafka


21.3B rows / 4.1Gb

Chart Illustration


SELECT product_id, count() AS sales FROM events
WHERE event = 'buy'
GROUP BY product_id


SELECT title, sales, sales*price as revenues
FROM o top_products
JOIN o products using product_id
ORDER BY {{column(order_by, 'sales')}} DESC
LIMIT {{Int8(limit, 10, required=True)}}

Simplify complex queries

By splitting your query in different nodes you simplify development and maintenance.

Enrich your data and add custom logic

Use JOINs to enrich your data. Enable parameterised API endpoints using a simple templating language.

Your API endpoint has been enabled!

Businesses build with Tinybird

In-Product Analytics

Capturing huge amounts of data is fine, but is what you do with it that counts. Any use case you think of you can easily implement and scale with Tinybird SQL Pipes.

Realtime Personalization

Whether you want to trigger downstream automations or keep an eye on problems or opportunities via alerts, Tinybird grants you the scale and flexibility to tackle your use case via low-latency APIs over your streaming data.

Usage Based Pricing

Whether you want to trigger downstream automations or keep an eye on problems or opportunities via alerts, Tinybird grants you the scale and flexibility to tackle your use case via low-latency APIs over your streaming data.

Operational Intelligence

Implement rolling windows, roll-ups or enrich data incrementally as you ingest data streams in Tinybird.

Anomaly Detection & Alerts

Once your data is in Tinybird, any new use case is just one SQL query away.

Machine Learning & AI

Once your data is in Tinybird, any new use case is just one SQL query away.

“Tinybird is the most exciting data company since Snowflake. It's revolutionized the way we think about realtime data analytics at Vercel, for billions of data points per day”

Guillermo Rauch - CEO of Vercel

Bring all your data

Tinybird Connectors enable you to take advantage of a realtime analytics platform to build fast applications, faster. Speed wins.

Amazon S3

Apache Kafka




Google BigQuery



Start building with Tinybird

Tinybird is an essential part of your data stack.